In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

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Little Mr Mahatma
Saturday, July 15, 2006  
Why Not Invade?

Exiles concerned over U.S. plans in Cuba

By LAURA WIDES-MUNOZ, Associated Press Writer

MIAMI - A presidential commission's report on U.S. plans to promote democracy
in Cuba has earned applause from Cuban exiles, particularly for an $80 million
commitment to bolster civil society and independent media. But while many
expressed broad support for the commission's message, some were wary of
how, and if, the promised funds will be spent.

This is what I hate about our Government, especially with the current personnel. Yes, Democracy is a very empowering and enobling system of Government. No argument there. But why then did Bush see fit to invade Iraq because Hussein was such a tyrant, yet we don't invade Cuba for the exact same reason?

Worse, when I read about how much money is going to Iraq or will be thrown to Cuba for Democratic purposes, I feel the money is simply being thrown away to F.o.B.s ("Friends of Bush"). A few days ago there was a little blurb in the paper about how the Army is finally investigating Halliburton for a small matter of 1$ BILLION dollars in overcharges. If that level of corruption doesn't make you angry then $80 million for Cuba won't make you blink. But it adds up and we're paying for it.

And we're paying for it while the Government spends and throws it away with no accountability. None. We, as the taxpayers, have a right to know exactly where our money is going. Every cent. And if the Government, our Government, poo-poos our rights away saying "Where the money goes is a matter of National Security, so we can't say." then our BS alarms should go off and we should demand to know - LOUDLY. Let the politicians know that we the voters aren't fooled, won't be fooled, and will vote against them and their cronies every damn chance we get. And that's before we get the courts on them.

It's our money; it's our Government. We deserve to know!

11:46 AM

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