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Little Mr Mahatma
Thursday, July 20, 2006  
Thanks, Bush, For Iran
Read and please pay particular attention to the second paragraph.
Iran seeks to become major Mideast player

By BRIAN MURPHY, Associated Press Writer Thu Jul 20

TEHRAN, Iran - Iranian officials often say that places with the greatest troubles
offer their country the best opportunities.

Iranian influence in Iraq has surged since the U.S.-led invasion three years ago.
Its reach into Afghanistan continues to grow.

And now, the war in Lebanon could make Iran an even more important player in
the Islamic world even as its militant Shiite Arab client, Hezbollah, gets pounded
by Israel.

"Iran sees itself more than just the moral father of Hezbollah. Iran seeks to
become a major force across the region as a counterbalance to America and
Israel," said Ahmad Bakhshaiesh, a professor of political studies at Tehran's
Azadi University.

"Lebanon is part of this plan," he said.

Already, officials and experts say that for any cease-fire or broader peace
package to succeed, Iran's deep ties with Hezbollah must be taken into account.

Hezbollah could emerge from the battles severely weakened militarily, but with its
reputation enhanced in the Muslim world for resisting Israel. That in turn would
give Iran, a non-Arab country, an even higher profile in the Arab world — a
prospect that frightens the Jewish state.

Yes, Hussein was a mother-f but with him in power Iraq and Iran kept each other at bay. Remove Hussein, put Iraq into Chaos for a few years and there's no more threat to Iran. Iran's actions were predictable with even a small amoutn of intelligence, which the bush Adminsitration lacks severely. We're spread thin in Iraq and Afghanistan. If Iran makes even stronger moves, ther's little we can do other than make threats with bigger consequences (*cough*nuclear*cough*). and THAT would be disasterous.

Invade Iraq, $300 billion, impotent U.S.. Assasinate Hussein, cost of bullets, U.S. military remains intact. What a choice.

I know. Why, for a pacifist, do I keep dwelling on assassination of Hussein over invasion of Iraq. Simple. It's cheaper, more efficient, and less disruptive to us. To those that claim the U.S. doesn't do assassinations, I say "Bullhockey!" We do. It's just not publicized. But how is it morally better to invade and kill thousands of people instead of taking out the one person who is claimed to be the problem? Even if the Hussein Administration were targetted, that'd be better than invasion and the disruption that caused the Iraqis.

But the answer is in the billions we've spent and that have disappeared into the pockets of Government officials (ours and theirs), Government friends and business contacts, and so on.

So if we can't repeal Bush then we should say, in our "sincerest" tone of voice, "Thanks Bush!"

8:31 PM

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