In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

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Little Mr Mahatma
Tuesday, July 18, 2006  
Analysis: Bush admin. gives Israel room

By ANNE GEARAN, AP Diplomatic Writer

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration is trying to hold off international
pressure for an immediate halt to the Israeli assault in southern Lebanon,
apparently to allow Israel a short window to do as much damage as possible to
the Hezbollah guerrillas.

That puts Washington at odds with some allies and others who want a quick
end to cross-border rocket attacks that have claimed more than 200 lives in a
week and sent a tide of refugees fleeing Lebanon.

"I want the world to address the root causes of the problem, and the root
cause of the problem is Hezbollah," President Bush said Tuesday.

Once again the Bush mentality shows there's plenty of mental going on. First, there's no guarantee that Israel will do sufficient damage to Hezbollah to put them out of damaga but every innocent caught in the crossfire will become a martyr. The longer you take, the more martyrs. Heck, how many innocents have died in Iraq yet al Qaeda is still in business.

A part of me thinks that Bush isn't pressing for peace because of the religious aspect, that this is the supposd pre-cursor to Armageddon. Bush's religious buddies want to make sure that things get inflamed enough to get the Final War going so they can be on Christ's side when the rapture happens. Ironic - wanting a war to continue to supposedly bring on the end of the world so that a bunch of religious nuts can find out that there will be Messiah coming down from the skies. Just tears.

But I'm hoping I'm wrong on this but with Bush you never know...

9:04 PM

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