In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

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Little Mr Mahatma
Tuesday, December 14, 2004  
"Probable Cause"
"Probable cause" - Remember this phrase. Put it on a t-shirt. Tattoo it on your forehead.

This is the phrase that could destroy America. Seriously.

"Washington, DC, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday police may make an arrest without a warrant if, given the known facts, there is probable cause of a crime."

I see a tremendous potential for abuse beyond the occassional lone wolf officer running amok. This ruling could easily be used by politicos to justify citizen harrassment such as detaining someone because they look like a wanted criminal (that is, black or hispanic, or a white troublemaker) or they swerved slightly in traffic (must be drugs). The burden lies on the victim to prove their innocence all while under the eyes of the police.

Worse is that those who are innocent usually protest loudly as such, which - gosh golly - can turn into "resisting arrest" and turn a mistake into an innocent crime.

At what point does the Police who job it is "To Protect and Serve" the public become accountable to the very people they supposedly protect and serve? I fear that the Supreme Court has jumped on the "Security uber alles" bandwagon, neglecting our civil liberties (such as the right to sue). As we become more and more like the dreaded USSR of old, I remember an old ad that ran during the Reagan presidency warning of a bear in the woods and that we should be wary of the bear. The bear is out of the woods and in Washington.

"Better dead than red" takes on multiple meanings now, doesn't it?

1:28 PM

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