In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

Mr Mahatma--who is a Mr in real life--lives in the valleys of Southern California with his wife, a herd of Dears, and an impressive collection of books. Pnorny!
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Little Mr Mahatma
Thursday, October 14, 2004  
The Third and Blessedly Final Debate
My ulcers can only take so much. Thank goodness these "debates" are over and done. Maybe someday we'll have a real debate between candidates instead of these "planned" events.

Like the first debate I felt Kerry came out better - more focused, answering the questions and generally remaining calm and looking presidential. Bush - whatever the hell he was on - was manic for the first couple of questions but settled down into his usual befuddled "Aw shucks!" routine. This guy is President - scary. He downright avoided answering the question about minimum wage to go on a tangent to ramble about education. He rambled quite a bit about education. Kerry cut him out about education. Bush should shut up about education because he's not doing much for education. I know this because, as a parent, I get monthly pleadings from my kids' school to donate supplies such as toilet paper. And I know that when I went to elementary school my mother never had to provide toilet paper. I'm not convinced that my kids will get a better education than I did from our schools (but as a parent I'm not going to fully rely on schools to educate my kids either.)

It's one thing to start a program with even the best of intentions and it's another to fund the program so that those intentions can be realized. Bush natters away on the programs and Kerry calls him on the lack of funding. This theme was repeated throughout the debates.

After four years you'd think Bush could talk in a style more becoming to the position as President. Consistently he would ramble on and then get to a sound bite or something funny and then stop talking suddenly, even if he had time remaining to talk. There'd be a pause as he looked on eagerly as if awaiting a non-existent pat on the head. "Yip, yip, I said something good. Pat me on the head, pat me on the head!" To be fair, Kerry veered at times between looking like he was asleep or passing a gall stone. I kind of expect him to have two little electrodes on his neck and a doctor shrieking around him "I need more electricity! It's barely alive!!!"

I like what Kerry said about America if for those with Faith and for those without. Now if he'd take the next step and get Religion out of Politics we'd have clean pants.

Hate to say it but the most presidential person at all these debates was Cheney and I don't even like him.

Kerry won the debates. He offered plans; Bush offered more of same, which is uncertainty, lack of action, and lack of direction for America. Bush has had four years to prove himself and he did, as the incompetent that is his trademark. No more incompetence and settling for mediocrity. We shouldn't have to lower our expectations for our President. Lowered expectations means a lower quality of life for America. We don't want a worse America, we want a better America. We shouldn't lower expectations we should raise them. You can't achieve greatness, you can't fly, by staying on the ground. Vote Kerry.

Questions of Faith
For those who believe in God and all that stuff could someone answer a few questions for me...

  • Is God sentient? That is, does God think?

  • Does God feel emotions? If so, all emotions?

  • Does God have a corporeal being? That is, does God have physical mass?

    That's enough for starters.

    8:38 AM

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