In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

Mr Mahatma--who is a Mr in real life--lives in the valleys of Southern California with his wife, a herd of Dears, and an impressive collection of books. Pnorny!
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Little Mr Mahatma
Monday, October 25, 2004  
Heart and Intuition
We've been asked to cast our precious vote for Bush for essentially two qualities: Heart and Intuition. That's all we hear; that's all we see. Bush has heart - compassion, a firm stand against the Winds of Evil - and intuition, that when the shit hits the fan he instinctively know what to do and what he does is right, that his long-term plans may look murky now but way in the future he will be proven right.

Bush is truly a Faith-based President. He has Faith and expects you to have Faith in him. He is more preacher or mullah than President.

And for this he won't get my vote. We're in a war in Iraq against people like him, who refuse to look at issues logically but instead call upon Faith (intuition) to guide them and allow them to persevere (heart). It's this type of tandem that sets back civility and human progress, not that the qualities are inherently bad but that simply we have more aspects to our being that we can use, namely intelligence.

And Bush prides himself of being a yokel like the common folk who don't need to use ther noggins fer figurin' out this here terrorist problem: we jus' need more guns and warm bodies, shee-yuck.

And like everything else about Bush, it's a lie. He's not a common folk, he's a privileged player who has essentially failed or performed mediocrely in almost every aspect of his life. He's gotten where he's gotten by the contacts of his daddy, not by any genius of his being. He's proven as President that he doesn't belong in that difficult and prestigious position, hence his frequent absences. That he has reduced the prestige of America should not be a cause for his re-election. He broke what should'na been broken and despite his claims to make better, he likely won't as his vision gets sidetracked to topics that interest him.

Bush may have qualities that make him an interesting person but as a President we need better, we deserve better, we demand better.

Vote for Kerry - you may not like Kerry, but he's a step in a better direction. He has intelligence and heart and intuition. He will inherit a veritable mess from Bush and will likely get vilified by the Republicans for four years as an underachiever. But we don't know. Kerry may prove himself an incredible leader or as someone totally unable to deal with the mess left by Bush. But this we do know - Bush created these messes and was unable to deal with them or simply didn't care. Bush proved himself already and was found lacking. Vote for Kerry.

8:59 AM

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