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Little Mr Mahatma
Friday, October 08, 2004  
Bush - Lessons Learned
Wow! Bush has pretty much admitted that Iraq had no WMDs but now justifies his actions by that (1) the world is better off without Hussein and (2) the Oil-For-Food program was corrupt. But the world would be better off without a lot of people and that's no justification for an invasion. There wasn't a threat to the U.S. - period - and Bush was wrong - period. Now the Oil-for-Food program brings up a different set of concerns. There is no mention of which American companies were involved in the corruption but one could hazard a guess. Think Cheney.

Interesting. Reagan helped build Iraq in defense against Iran. Nice picture of Rumsfled with Hussein floating around the Net. And Cheney, while at Halliburton, pushed to get sanctions lifted against Iran, the same Iran now crowing about nukes. To Bush and Cheney we must give our humble thanks for making this world so much safer (assholes!).

Let us, however, learn from Bush's turn at the Helm of Power.

  • America, with its policy of preemptive strikes, can invade whereever and whenever it wants. The reason for the invasion is subject to change. Some call it Imperialism or being a bully. Others call it standing proud and resolute, with shovel in hand to bury the dead and heap the manure. With Bush we may never know the real reason for the invasion, possibly oil, revenge, or a flawed attempt at forcing a Mid-East peace, but the reasons he gave - WMDs and a threat to the U.S. - have repeatedly been shown as false. But it doesn't matter with Bush because he has plenty of more excuses to use.

  • Allies are fair game. Iraq was an ally. We armed Hussein and allowed him to build and maintain his power, plus we knew he was a dictator, but he was our dictator. For whatever reason, the Bushes decided to take Hussein out and so it was done. Are you listening Tony Blair? Even Britain is not safe if Bush has a bad bowel movement.

    Let's face it. If you're one of those Neanderthals who gets your jollies fondling guns and strutting around as Big Person On Earth crowing about how great the U.S. then you're going to vote for Bush. Fine, do so, crawl back into your 4x4, grab your uzi, and keep an eye out for Them. They're coming for YOU.

    As for the sane Americans we see that the rest of the world is greater than the U.S.. We recognize that fact and are humbled by that fact. We can join the world in seeking peace through discourse, solving problems without always taking the safety off and blazing away, taking responsibility for our actions, and acting like adults.

    For it's the ultimate American irony that as Bush claims to make us safer by removing dictators like Hussein from power he, at the same time, dictates to the World to do things his way or else.

    President Bush - if you truly want to make the World safer by removing dangerous dictators from power, quit the election. Resign immediately. For you are your own worst enemy and - hey! - it'll give you a chance to remove your foot from your mouth and your head from your behind.

    10:13 AM

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