In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

Mr Mahatma--who is a Mr in real life--lives in the valleys of Southern California with his wife, a herd of Dears, and an impressive collection of books. Pnorny!
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Little Mr Mahatma
Monday, March 01, 2004  
Wooden Nickels

Early Sunday morning I flipped on the TV just in time to catch the start of the final Democratic candidates debate before Super Tuesday. Great! I'd finally get to hear some issues, get to see Kerry, Edwards, et al "in action", and maybe get an inkle of who to vote for in two days.

I lasted only the first question - barely five minutes - before disgust and loathing set in.

Dan Rather asked the following question and forgive me if I don't remember the words exactly. He said "Answer the following, spiritually or religiously - 'I believe...'"

What the blazes? What kind of political question is that? What kind of debate question is that? What kind of bull is that? Has the American political scene degenerated so much that:

(1) Religion is not just an issue. It's now a matter of "Who is holier than whom".

(2) Religion is an accepted component of American politics, of our Government.

All of the candidates answered "safely", invoking God or Lord into their answers. Edwards' answer started off on a footing that would have gotten him my vote (paraphrased):

"There are two Americas. One where everyone gets anything they want and another where they don't" - so far, so good, but he continues and ruins it.

"The President - with the Lords help - can change all that."

None of the candidates had the cajones to say that religion shouldn't be an issue, or even part of a political debate. None of them had the guts to mention, much less support, the separation of Church and State that is our National Law. None of them by virtue of their failure to side with the Constitution, our American Constitution, deserve a vote. None of them.

By failing to support the Law, by answering the question, by mixing Religion with Politics clearly demonstrates the Democrats and Republicans are both sides of a corrupt coin, seeking to overthrow our Constitution and Liberties for their own games and gains. So let's cut the charade and declare the two parties as one with the Republicans in control. They've won. By answering the first "question" the Democratic candidates fell neatly and completely into the Republicans arena. They lost and are nothing more now than lackey dogs barking for a piece of Republican power.

Perhaps if we do declare the two parties as one, that enough Americans will shake out of their political stupor to see the Emperor naked within his golden robes. Finally we could create a true alternative party beholden to the Constitution and the majority, working stiffs. A party where personal Freedoms and Liberties are strengthened so that we can mature as a people and a nation. Where Personal Responsibility is not a function of some Government Committee. Where tax cuts benefit everybody not just those who donated to the Power's political coffers. Where the Military doesn't suck up a good bulk of the budget. Where Social Security is a pot beholden to those who were taxed into it. Where Education and a clean environment are valid concerns. Where Businesses are held fully acountable for their actions and payoffs won't mean a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card. Where lobbyists and quiet money aren't welcome.

Yeah, right!

Kerry, Bush - whomoever. Whatever. The game is over. The U.S. has lost. We've lost. Let's just clean up the garbage, shuffle back to work, keep our mouths shut, pay our taxes. Massa will take of us because we're good, obedient slaves. The stripes on our backs will remind us of the price we pay for "security". But gosh darn we'll keep thinking about our dream. They can't take that away.


President For A Day

Here's an idea for a reality TV show: President for a Day. Contestants stump for votes each week, debating issues, running campaigns on a given budget. Each week the viewers will vote off one contestant until a winner. This person would be flown to Washington to act as President for a Day in full capacity. Every move and decision would be broadcast and analyzed. We'd get to see the real Washington running under someone we choose. It'd be boffo I tell you!

Addicted To War

Recommended reading is more than a comic book. Addicted To War gives a view of American Politics that will leave you thinking. Essentially we are a Nation of and addicted to War. This addiction drives our Government, our economy, and our policies and has been driving for over a hundred years. The book reveals the hypocrisy between what "They" say and what "They" do and just who "They" are.

Sadly, it doesn't propose any answers to breaking the addiction. Is it even possible when so much of the economy and political "face" depends on a strong military presence? It will likely take a humiliating military defeat before the addiction stranglehold is broken, either at the hands of China or a combined Euro-Asian effort to stop U.S. agressive presences from spreading.

11:27 AM

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