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Little Mr Mahatma
Wednesday, March 24, 2004  
One Nation. Indivisible. - II

Here's a line of solution regarding the Pledge of Allegiance.

First, don't make it optional. Either make it mandatory or eliminate all together. We're either Americans United or the Pledge is unnecessary.

If the Pledge is deemed mandatory get rid of "Under God" which is obviously religious in its origin and divisive in its practice.

If the Pledge retains "Under God" then to simply change the underlying belief of the existence in a God to fact, have those who believe in such show demonstrable proof of God. Upon such proof the phrase "Under God" becomes one of fact not belief. If such proof is not forthcoming then revert to the previous point and get rid of the phrase.

One Nation. Indivisible.

Repeat the title. "One Nation. Indivisible." - pretty powerful combination of words, unifying in its force. We are one nation, indivisible, standing strong as one. One nation supporting each other, helping, trusting, and powerful as one. That's the way the Pledge of Allegiance was originally written over a hundred years ago - "One Nation. Indivisible." Beautiful and powerful in simplicity. And look at what it doesn't say. It doesn't make any judgements about personal beliefs or appearances, for as Americans we are one Nation. Indivisible.

Then in the 1950's the Pledge got changed because of (surprise!) political and religious pressures. The Red Scare was on and everyone knew that those evil Commies didn't believe in God. So the American Powers-that-be changed the Pledge to include two more words:

One Nation

Under God


But the power is now gone. The Pledge is making a judgement, actually two: the first that there is a God, something beyond mere belief, something demonstrable, and, the second judgement is that we as a Nation are united under that God.

This revision imposes a belief (in a God) that it has no right imposing. It presumes that we are united in that belief - which we aren't. The majority of Americans may believe in a singular God but that doesn't mean for the rest of us that a singular God exists externally, or that we should believe in a singular God, or that we are united in a singular God.

The addition of those words do not further unite us as a Nation. They divide us into believers in that particular phrase and those who don't. Further it directly violates our Constitution - one of our most sacred National documents by placing a religious statement into political ideology.

"Under God" is based on a belief, not fact. Consider the difference:

One Nation. Under Men. Indivisible. - "Under Men" is an inclusion based on fact. You're either genetically male or female, with few exceptions. You have no choice in this matter.

One Nation. Under Republicans. Indivisible. - "Under Republicans" is a matter of choice, a matter of belief as are the following:

One Nation. Under Flat Earth. Indivisible.

One Nation. Under Lakers Fans. Indivisible.

One Nation. Under God. Indivisible.

These qualities - a Flat Earther, a Lakers fan, a believer in God - are not inherent. You are not born that way. They are learned beliefs, learned qualities. You may be a Flat Earther because you read a book and you believed it. You may be a Lakers fan because you live in Los Angeles and believe they'll win another championship. You may believe in God because your parents dragged you to church or temple enough so that's what you believe.

These qualities are also statements of division. If you are a Flat Earther there are likely other people who do not believe the Earth is flat. If there weren't why even bother making the distinction. By stating "One Nation. Under God." we are also "One Nation. Not under God." and both are true - they both have Americans who fall into that group. But then if both are valid we are not "Indivisible". We are, in fact, "Divisible" by our beliefs of whether there is a God (and if so how many).

The Supreme Court plans to review the Pledge in light of "Under God". Although the vast majority of Americans support the Pledge as is it doesn't make it right. My guess is that the Supreme Court will avoid controversy and let the Pledge stand, thus keeping the Poltical door wide open for Religious abuse. If the Supreme Court shows any semblance of critical and correct thinking I hope they not only strike "Under God" from the Pledge but continue down the obvious path and remove "In God We Trust" from our money. And that would be just a start...perhaps one day, our Nation would be truly indivisible as we stand proudly together as Americans, knowing that despite our individual political and religious beliefs that with our Pledge of Allegiance we would be...

One Nation. Indivisible.

1:56 PM

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