In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

Mr Mahatma--who is a Mr in real life--lives in the valleys of Southern California with his wife, a herd of Dears, and an impressive collection of books. Pnorny!
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Little Mr Mahatma
Monday, August 21, 2006  
There's Disasters...
And then there's Bush.

Bush: Leaving Iraq now would be disaster

By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent

WASHINGTON -President Bush said Monday the Iraq war is "straining the
psyche of our country" but leaving now would be a disaster.

It's not the Iraq War that's straining the psyche of the country, it's Bush's utter ineptness as President combined with the gall, chutzpah, and hypocrisy of his Administration. He's the cause of our moral and morale decline, not just the Iraq War. We want a leader, not a buffoon.

Yes, to leave Iraq now would be a distaster. But to stay would be a bigger disaster. Bush doesn't get that but, then again, his friends are making sure those blinders are tight and snug.

7:59 PM

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