In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

Mr Mahatma--who is a Mr in real life--lives in the valleys of Southern California with his wife, a herd of Dears, and an impressive collection of books. Pnorny!
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Little Mr Mahatma
Saturday, August 12, 2006  
Rambling Roundup
The Dodgers are at the top of their division but the local little league team could as easily be there. I remember Tommy Lasorda saying many years ago that a good team would win about 2/3rds of their games. By that criterion only Detroit could be considered a good team. None would be a great team.

Bruin football starts in a month but no one will notice because USC football starts at the same time. What new Trojan scandals will we see this year? My knives are sharpened.

Two paragraphs without mentioning Bush. That's a new personal best. But it's too depressing. Last year I thought Bush couldn't get any worse or act more incompetent. Boy, was I wrong. I think this guy is hellbent on getting Armageddon going - seriously! That's what the Religious Right wants - a Master War in the Mid-East so that Judgement Day occurs and Bush gets to ride a white stallion at the side of Jesus, or some lunatic fantasy like that.

It's all bloodshed - more stupid, unnecessary, religious-based bloodshed. It's to the point where they fight because they don't know any other way to live. Democracy isn't the answer in that case. They need a touch of humanity. Notice I haven't specified which side this would apply to - both could use the touch.

And the recent British interruption of a major potential act of terrorism... Why, if the bad guys have been caught are they subjecting the rest of us to these onerous rules and regulations? They didn't have the rules when they caught the bad guys, why impose them now? It doesn't make sense. I guess Bush and Blair want to show they're on top of things, maybe get their approval ratings out of the toilet.

The best way to show terrorists the beauty of Freedom and Democracy is to have unfettered Freedom and Democracy. Anything else shows the terrorists have won and are arguably on the side of the current ruling Regime. Or, put in plain English, Bush needs and wants terrorists. With them, he can justify passing and/or breaking any law. The proof is in our existence.

One more time: Impeach Bush!

3:43 PM

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