In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

Mr Mahatma--who is a Mr in real life--lives in the valleys of Southern California with his wife, a herd of Dears, and an impressive collection of books. Pnorny!
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Little Mr Mahatma
Friday, August 05, 2005  
Scattered Thoughts
It's kind of weird, being laid-off, with a lot of free time. A part of me inside screams "Do it! Do all those projects you've wanted to do - write, program, build. This is the time." But that voice is countered by the Inner Sloth that quietly mutters "Manana!" and forces me to roll over in bed and continue daydreaming.

Crap, it's been a full month since the last update. Damn Sloth!

In the news, more idiocy from our beloved Government. Roberts doesn't remember an important meeting that he attended and so left mentioning it off an application. Same goes for Bolton. Folks in D.C. sure have poor memories.

Bush appoints Bolton by bypassing the Senate. So much for Checks and Balances. Why bother then with the Senate at all if the President can just wait things out and appoint at will?

More violence as expected. Imagine what a better world we'd have right now if only Bush had followed through in pursuing bin Laden with the same kind of gusto that he's shown for invading Iraq. One would almost suspect that the ties between the Bushes and bin Ladens might have something to with the George W.'s lack of effort in going after Terrorist #1.

About a month ago in the news, an American General mentioned that they have a darn good idea of where bin Laden is hiding but they can't go after him because of political reasons. I took that to mean that Pakistan is hiding bin Laden but that we're trying to make nice-nice with Pakistan so we're letting them "handle" it. Yet, wasn't it Bush who declared, before invading Afghanistan, that any country harboring terrorists had a choice of helping the U.S. get them or risk the consequences. So much for Bush bravdao.

Iraq is still a mess. Sure, they have the making of a constitution but one that doesn't quite play equal with all the humans in the country. So when do we leave? After they ratify the document? After the Iraqi Government asks us to leave? When the oil runs out? In case you haven't noticed, Iraq is still one mother of a corrupt crazy country. All we did was change the people getting the kickbacks with *YOUR* tax dollars.

If that's annoying enough, Iraq is simply a lose-lose situation for us. If we pull out now it will be seen by all involved as a demonstration of a weak America. If we pull out later we continue to feed the terrorist agenda, continue to drop billions of dollars into nothingness, and continue to watch our soldiers die for a cause that is arguably less than noble.

Bush refuses to admit any mistakes. Cheney refuses to see any problems. Rumsfeld and Rove won't accept any responsibilties. This is not a Government of responsible Americans. It is a collection of addle-pated misfits who live in their own world and are attempting to shape our country to support their perverse vision. Their vision, though, is not one of equality, justice, and freedom but instead of control and power.

Sadly, I don't see the Democrats offering a solution. They're running around making issues out of stupid little things like sex being hidden in the ultra-violent "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" and not tackling real issues like "was Iraq necessary?" Democrats need to go on the offensive aggressively and ruthlessly against Bush and his ilk.

But they won't because they are licked. They're whipped. They' see the power wielded by the other side and they are in awe, afraid to go up against it.

And so we suffer under what is a one-party system that sees no ethical or moral dilemmas in their illegal actions to maintain their power.


Wow, I didn't even gripe about the further crumbling of the separation between Church and State thanks to Bush's implied support for "Intelligent Design". As I posted many moons ago, let's just get rid of all Science. All of it. After all, if God is behind everything, what more explanation do we need? Johnny doesn't need to know how to read or add or think. Johnny just needs to go to work, pay his taxes, and vote Bush, like a good mindless American.

11:29 AM

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