In which the middle-aged Peacenik mouths off about War Drones--and all the other things that make him cranky.

Mr Mahatma--who is a Mr in real life--lives in the valleys of Southern California with his wife, a herd of Dears, and an impressive collection of books. Pnorny!
He is reachable at:

All writings are copyrighted 2003-2008 and trademarked: Little Mr. Mahatma

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Little Mr Mahatma
Thursday, October 02, 2003  
Little Miss Mahatma

I got into blogging as a reaction to the postings of a close friend. Her rantings were an enjoyable read and since I usually disagreed with her viewpoints I'd find myself gnashing the remnants of my teeth and aching for some way to reply.

Recently at an end-of-summer party at my humble domain I mentioned to her that she'd sold out. That she didn't write so much as just post links and become a link whore. By her own admission she's out for page hits.

She posted that incident on her blog this past week and then proceded to blast me for having a Paypal link on my blog, meaning that I'm not out for hits but for money. She thinks I sold out for the green.

(How can we politely say hypocrite.) She then writes that she plans to put monetary links on her blog as well. So she's selling out for hits and the green. But it's OK for her, not OK for me. I can't figure out that one. She did get in a good jibe about my lack of readership. Thing is, I write more for catharsis. If someone stumbles on this site and enjoys the writing - great. If not, fine too.

Sadly, she completely misunderstood my original comment. By calling her a link whore, I meant (and thought I said so) that her bloggings had become unreadable because all they had were links. No original content. No rantings. No venom. Just - "Lookee! Lookee! See what site I've linked to or has linked to me." The problem is that it's boring. Most everyone else does that. Too many blogs are nothing but links. Great for upping the hit counts but boring reading. It's blog masturbation without the orgasm.

Any who. Little Miss Attila, your country needs you. In one of your very early posts, you stated that you had definitive proof that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Please forward this intel to our Government immediately because - shucks - they still can't find any after all this time and billions of dollars. You might get a reward!

If/when the U.S finally admits that there are no WMD will you be apologizing about the illegal invasian of Iraq? For anything? (I've noticed that gun-toting, right-wing Republicans don't apologize much when they do something outright wrong, illegal, or immoral. They'd rather posture and place the blame somewhere else. Something about Might and Right.)

P.S. LMM - I considered hiring you to clean the Zoo over here but (1) I wouldn't do that to you or 2) you'd take one look, get that "You're shitting me!" look, and quote me a price I couldn't afford without a 2nd mortgage. Heck, the necessary cleaning supplies would break me. Oh well, I'll clean when the kids move out.

10:58 AM

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